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university of nottingham borderline degree classification

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4. 3. When they graduate, students should simply be given a transcript of their marks as a record their study, says Jonathan Wolff. Includes: unit marks; module mark; module scores. For students registering on programmes from 2009/10 onwards, Schools should use only a weighted profiling system for determining the degree class of borderline students. For the purposes of rounding, the mark should be truncated and only the first decimal place is used (e.g. Dependent on the programme, the grade to contribute to the degree award may also be provided by the Independent Assessor/s, and thus may not be a member of University staff. For more information, please consult the following: 7. 1215 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW knowledge as the world around them changes, and they find themselves in new situations. Nottingham, NG7 2RD. 3. If a student opts to take any one reassessment with attendance, they must then take all due reassessments with attendance (except for modules where a repeat enrolment is not available). The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) prescribes that the assessment of the End-Point Assessment is performed by suitably qualified Independent Assessors. For more information, please consult the following. Nottingham University Campus. Only the following rounded marks will be regarded as borderline: Includes: classifications; borderlines; calculating an overall average. A student will only receive an award if they have successfully completed each necessary stage of the course leading to that award. 18. 21. If, after this one further re-assessment, the student has still not completed the stage under Regulations 9-11 (of the Completion of a stage section above), the student will not be permitted to progress further on the course and will have no further re-assessment opportunities. Unit marks (footnote 1 in the All awards section below) are numeric. This page was previously affected by these arrangements and has been documented accordingly. Taught Postgraduate awards (to apply to courses beginning in September 2006 and after) Includes: classification; postgraduate diplomas and certificates; borderlines All awards Includes: use of borderlines; extenuating circumstances; footnotes Exceptional regulations applied in response to Covid-19 2ii - 3. Notwithstanding this provision, a student who has successfully completed the Qualifying and Part I stages of an Honours course and does not proceed will be awarded an Undergraduate Diploma. 10 240 0 1. Please be aware that during academic year 2019/20, the University introduced exceptional regulations in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. . Requests should be submitted to the students School who must consult other relevant Schools, and, where the student is on a Tier 4or Student route visa, the Visa and Immigration team, when making the decision. Please note, this model only applies to students who entered pre-September 2004. All markers in a School should be clearly briefed on these processes each academic year. I'm extremely worried about something regarding placements. I am however on the borderline for a first and would only be considered for a first if 50% of my modules are in the higher classification. Write by: . 1. For more information, please consult the following: Appointment and responsibilities of External Examiners. This order is for degrees only. Following moderation an agreed algorithm is used to determine the final composite mark. At the Pass/Fail boundary there is no borderline. If this falls within a borderline as defined above, the weighted profiling system as stated in the programme specification will be applied to determine the final classification (see footnote 3 below). University policy on legibility of work submitted for assessment can be found online. 3. "achieve a final average mark on the first class borderline (68.01-69.99%) AND achieve first class module marks in at least 60 credits at level 6 or higher" will get you a first. Any outcomes from their application during academic year 2019/20 will, however, continue to be honoured and used in all decisions regarding those affected. Where a student has pass marks in one or more components of the module, but has failed the module overall, the School delivering the module may limit the re-assessment to the components which have been failed. an upper second as the average of 65.6 is below the borderline threshold for. Normally this analysis would also be taken into account in the Schools regular review of modules. Decimal fractions below x.5 are rounded to the next lowest integer - for example, 69.4 is rounded to 69. 68 or 69 Borderline I (individual Programme Specifications state whether the borderline is 68 or 69). All unit marks are converted to a 0-100 scale before degree classification starts. Thus assessment of this module will need to meet the requirements of the published apprenticeship End-Point Assessment plan in addition to contributing to the degree award. Its content is applicable to staff and students across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses. The transcript that comes with your degree certificate is called a Diploma Supplement and is written to an agreed, pan-European template. 0 with no score below 5. Nottingham, NG7 2RD. A weighted numerical average is calculated using the weightings indicated in 3 and 4 above. Permitted differences to local School policy on marking criteria may be required, for example providing acceptable tolerances in assessment word count. February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . Module marks are weighted accordingly to the number of credits attached to the module - for example, a 20 credit module is weighted double compared to a 10 credit module. The active application of these arrangements then ceased at the beginning of academic year 2020/21. 11. The other two ( Models 2 ordinal scale and 3 thresholds) have been developed in recognition of the problems of classifying degrees, particularly first class honours, where marking conventions effectively discount the use of marks at both ends of the percentile range. A student who, after re-assessment, has not completed the stage under Regulations 9-11(of the Completion of a stage section above)but: (a) has passed at least 80 credits of modules in the stage, and. Unit marks (footnote 1, in the All Awards section at the bottom of this page) are numeric. All reassessments will take place in August/September immediately following the first assessment (but seeRegulations 16 and 20 below), except: 16. The School has a duty to ensure that any individuals acting as internal examiners who are not academic staff of the University, are fully briefed and have relevant experience and sufficient knowledge of their subject area to assess students' knowledge and skills. Module mark is calculated from unit marks and rounded to a numeric integer. Hate my course and uni, what should I do? For more information, please consult the following: 7. Lifetime achievements. Includes: classifications; borderlines; calculating an overall average undergraduate diplomas Taught Postgraduate awards (to apply to courses beginning in September 2006 and after) Includes: borderlines All awards Includes: use of borderlines; extenuating circumstances procedure; footnotes Exceptional regulations applied in response to Covid-19 Students with acceptable extenuating circumstances should be considered in accordance with theExtenuating Circumstances Policy and Procedures. The permitted weightings are defined on the following page: 26. A student who fails to pass a module may nevertheless be awarded the credit for that module in the circumstances set out in Regulations 10 and 11(within the Completion of a stage section). This section contains the University's undergraduate and postgraduate taught degree classifications. There are, however, two situations in which further considerations come into play. This Model applies to courses with a 50:50 weighting between Parts I and II. All regulations in the Quality Manual that make reference to students, also apply to apprentices, unless otherwise stated. Policy on University of Nottingham students who teach. Organised argument, clearly expressed, supported by relevant material; A good awareness of the research of the topic, and, where necessary, the different approaches taken by researchers When a student has experienced circumstances affecting their ability to study/take assessments in their final year of study, Examination Boards may recommend that a case be made to QSC to revisit performance in earlier years for the purposes of recommending a degree classification outside regulations. 69.45 becomes 69.4, which is rounded to 69). Unit marks (footnote 1, under the All Awards section below) are literal (that is, A, B and others) and translate into numeric integer marks according to Table 2. Campus maps | More contact information | Jobs. Moderation is the process of checking that standards have been applied correctly and consistently during the marking of an assessment. number of credits), the number of first markers and their level of experience. 69.5 is rounded to 70, 59.5 to 60, and so on. University of Nottingham Quality Manual Assessment, awards and degree classification Quality Manual Assessment, awards and degree classification This category contains important regulations, policies and guidance that relate to assessment, awards and degree classifications (including responsibilities and extenuating circumstances). 7. 4 300 60 1. Regulatory Framework All courses and awards are governed by University Regulations that are designed to ensure each course and award is structured, delivered and assessed fairly, consistently and transparently. | Learn more about Dr Hala Janoudi's work experience, education, connections & more by . How common is it for people to not get on with flatmates? Connect with the University of Nottingham through social media and our blogs. For students entering Qualifying year or Part I from 2015/16 onwards, Schools should use only the standardised weighted profiling system for determining the degree class of borderline students. The University convention on rounding of numeric marks for all awards is as follows: Marks should be rounded at two stages only: Rounding means that any mark of x.5 and decimal fractions above, becomes the next highest integer e.g. 20. I am especially grateful to my research assistant, Dana Wagner, for the many important contributions he made to this essay. Scores within 12 points of a First, II-1, II-2 and III Class threshold are defined as borderline. University of Tbingen, as amended. Further details can be found in the "Exceptional regulations applied in response to Covid-19" section below. In addition, all members of academic staff will act as internal examiners in the subjects in their School. All Schools are required to have written marking criteria across the full range of marks available (0-100) which is published in School Handbooks. The classifications and abbreviations for Honours degrees and Integrated Masters degrees are: The degree classification model set out in the Quality Manualspecifies the final mark ranges which apply to each class and how these are calculated and make provision for a student successfully completing an Honours degree course after reassessment to receive a Pass degree without an Honours classification. There are four main grades in this system: first-class honours degree (1st), upper second-class honours degree (2:1), lower second-class honours degree (2:), a third-class honours degree (3rd). For programmes involving optional study abroad in the third year, the degree classification is based solely on performance in the final year of study. Student engagement. The classifications are: Borderlines for these qualifications are: Includes:use of borderlines; extenuating circumstances; footnotes. When calculating the median of an even number of unit marks within a module Schools should assign the higher of the two marks that span the median - for example, the median of C, C+, B, B would be a B-. To qualify for an award a student must: (a) Pursue anapproved course of studyas prescribed by a programme specification. A. 8. Credit may also be awarded under the Universitys policy on Recognition of Other Learning (ROL)(formerly known as Accreditation of Prior Learning(APL)). These can be distinguished according to the different stages of the assessment process at which they operate: The appropriate combination of these elements of quality assurance will vary by discipline and assessment task, so some variation in practice between Schools is to be expected and not all elements will be appropriate to all assessments. Learning and teaching. However . Students with acceptable extenuating circumstances should be considered in accordance with theExtenuating Circumstances Policy and Procedures. Its content is only applicable to students who were admitted before that date but may also be of interest to staff across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses. For more information, please consult the following: 1. Results and Surveys can be accessed by choosing one of the links below. For more information, please consult the following: Legibility of work submitted for assessment. Please be aware that the following Exceptional Regulations were developed and applied during academic year 2019/20 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Academic-Service-Office@nottingham.edu.cn, Quality-Manual-Enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk, Portland Building, University of NottinghamUniversity Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD. 8 240 0 8. (c) Successfully complete anyadditional componentsthat are required as specified in the relevant programme specification. The claims, i) Are for modules attracting no more than 20 credits. 180+ credits at 70%+. 5 IELTS (with no more than 2 individual skills scores at 4. SET/SEM Surveys. Borderlines for these qualifications are: Includes:use of borderlines; extenuating circumstances procedure; footnotes. In short, a degree classification is a grade that you can get from doing an undergraduate degree or a postgraduate degree in the UK. A student who completes the requirements for a Foundation Certificate or qualifies for an Honours level or Integrated Masters degree through application of the relevant degree classification model and weightings (see Regulations 22 and 23 of the Classification section) will automatically complete the final stage of their course and be awarded the total credit for that stage, unless the relevant programme specification contains additional requirements for completion of the final stage. 14. Moderation of this module for will be undertaken by the appointed Independent Assessors or by internal staff who are independent of prior teaching. In the case of Undergraduate Diplomas the classification is based on the best marks obtained in 120 credits taken in stage 2 or 3 including at least 90 credits at level 2. 2. If you have any problems or queries relating to this page, please contact: Assessment, awards and degree classification, Exceptional classification and progression regulations, Personal tutoring, student support and development, Assessment overview and School responsibilities, Policy on self-certification for examinations. A separate report form should be used for each module where marks have been subject to adjustment. That number is determined by the number of students registered to take the assessment as follows: Schools should decide for themselves the appropriate sample size for moderation for each assessment and it is expected that this will often exceed the minimum. Nottingham, NG7 2RD. These records should be available to External Examiners as soon as possible and be tabled at relevant Examination Boards. Reports should be submitted at the same time as the main Examination Board recommendations in June/July (Undergraduate programmes). Nottingham, NG7 2RD. Module grade is calculated from median of literal grades. The module specification states how the components of the module will be combined to form a module mark and whether a particular mark must be gained in individual components of the module in order for the module as a whole to be passed. 6. A School offering a module has the right to refuse admission to that module. Includes:commencement dates; former regulations. 2. All Graduate and Taught Postgraduate students who are fully enrolled on the 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, or 2022-23 academic session, with the exception of Masters of Laws (LLM) students who first enrolled on their programme in 2017-18 or earlier, where the former derogation is being phased out. The profiling systemmust be stated in the programme specification and made explicit and clear to students from the start of their studies through School Handbooks. I strongly believe that I can do any job as I have an outstanding personality, which was created by carrying out an array of jobs that were fundamentally different from each other in nature, approach and requirements. Assessment regulations can be found on the following page: Guidance on managing students with extenuating circumstances can be found on the following: Students seeking advice on these regulations should contact their School/Department. Schools should ensure that clear statements of the responsibilities of those involved in computation, checking and recording of assessment data exist. 1. (c) Passed modules worth at least 90 credits, have marks of 30% or more in modules worth at least 110credits, and have a weighted average for the stage of at least 45%. There are two routes by which you can achieve a given degree classification: a 'majority' route, and a 'weighted mean' route. [ Note: *The classification rules for students admitted directly to the final year of a degree are 'based on the straight average of the modules pursued at Swansea in the final year'.] Many people who have graduated from college think that if you get a 2.2, your whole college experience was a huge waste of time and money. Where such a flaw is identified Schools should develop a suitable adjustment to be applied to all marks and report this to the External Examiners. A weighted numerical average is calculated using the weightings indicated in 3 and 4 above. Students with acceptable extenuating circumstances should be considered in accordance with the extenuating circumstances policy and procedures. Undergraduate degree classification from September 2020 Undergraduate degree classification from September 2015 to September 2020 Postgraduate taught degrees from September 2021 Postgraduate taught degrees from September 2015 (for students starting awards from September 2016) Degree classification before September 2015 Connect with the University of Nottingham through social media and our blogs. The active application of these arrangements then ceased at the beginning of academic year 2020/21. The module level information report must detail the rationale for marks adjustment; the method used; the method used to inform students; and any remedial measures implemented as a result of marks adjustment. The three methods for classifying undergraduate degrees detailed below are approved for use in the University of Nottingham. Leo Stan Ekeh (Nigeria) Reassessment marks are considered only in decisions relating to progression to the next stage hence reassessments in the final stage of any programme are not relevant or allowed except in the case of reassessment for a Pass or Ordinary degreeor where a student has failed a non-compensatable module,or a compulsory module for an apprenticeship programme,and is required to take a reassessment in order to gain the credits and complete the stage. A student who, at the first attempt, has not satisfactorily completed a stage other than the final stage under Regulations 9-11 (of the Completion of a stage section above) has a right to one re-assessment in each failed module where this might enable a student to satisfy progression requirements. Other students are subject to the former regulations, except for Regulation 26 (b) which applies to all students from September 2020. Borderlines for these qualifications are: Includes:use of borderlines; extenuating circumstances; footnotes, Following moderation an agreed algorithm is used to determine the final composite mark. For students following a higher or degree apprenticeship course, reassessment or re-enrolment opportunities will be as above, unless Education and Skills Funding agency (ESFA) funding rules that were in force at the apprentices start of study date require otherwise. 68 or 69 Borderline Distinction (individual Programme Specifications state whether the borderline is 68 or 69), 68 or 69 Borderline Distinction (individual programme specifications state whether the borderline is 68 or 69), 49 Borderline Pass (Master, also PGDip and PGCert from 2012/13), 39 Borderline Pass (PGDip and PGCert for students who registered for taught postgraduate degrees prior to the 2012/13 Session only). if there is a specific stated stricter requirement by a professional body accrediting the programme, or is required to meet Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) requirements for attainment on an apprenticeship programme, or an exception has been formally approved. Please email ss-documents@nottingham.ac.uk and they will direct you to the relevant team. Students may not select modules worth more than 70 credits in any one semester. 7 240 0 2. Schools are encouraged to organise meetings for external examiners with representative groups of students as a mechanism for ensuring quality and standards control but this should not form part of the assessment process. 2. If Part II counts for twice as much as Part I the Year 3 grades are counted twice. whether special attention is paid to work marked as borderline), What should happen if a moderator believes that standards have not been applied correctly, The name of the body that requires the viva voce examination to take place, The role of the viva in the assessment/classification process, Who has the authority to call a student for a viva, Whether attendance is compulsory or voluntary, Procedures followed and documents produced, When two or more unit marks are computed (using a weighting formula), the result should be rounded into a single integer module mark. The only exception to this is where an external body requires that a Viva Voce examination is held as a separate assessment forming part of the decision-making process. If you have any problems or queries relating to this page, please contact: Postgraduate taught degree classification from September 2021, Assessment, awards and degree classification, Exceptional classification and progression regulations, Personal tutoring, student support and development, Assessment overview and School responsibilities, Policy on self-certification for examinations, 50 Pass (there is no borderline at Pass/Fail). If you have a problem or query relating to these regulations, please email:ug-regulations@nottingham.ac.uk, Portland Building, University of NottinghamUniversity Park Additional responsibilities include supervising . Includes:Postgraduate students with teaching responsibilities; responsibilities of Head of School. Campus maps | More contact information | Jobs. This does not preclude the consideration ofExtenuating Circumstancesof students, whether inside or outside the borderline. where the module is no longer running or where there are Tier 4 or Student route visalimitations on immigration sponsorship). 4. Connect with the University of Nottingham through social media and our blogs. Includes:use of borderlines; extenuating circumstances; footnotes, Following moderation an agreed algorithm is used to determine the final composite mark. The active application of these arrangements then ceased at the beginning of academic year 2020/21. Delivery Options Information Please be aware that the following Exceptional Regulations were developed and applied during academic year 2019/20 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Research degrees. The weighted numerical average is rounded. This states that if a student performs particularly well in their final year but falls just short of the 70 per cent threshold because of poorer earlier performance, their degree classification should reflect the fact that they are "exiting" university at a first-class standard. In considering the fraction of credits at the higher level, all modules are to be counted even those that have been excluded from the calculation of the final average under 26(b). Includes:commencement dates; former regulations. 27. I have been accused I have plagiarised my essay at Uni, but I didnt . An undergraduate student should be given the higher class if either of the following criteria are met: i) Two thirds or more of the final stage credits are in the higher class; ii) Two thirds or more of the final and penultimate stage credits are in the higher class. 6. Each year, we monitor and critically review our degree outcomes data as part of our ongoing quality assurance work. information concerning the University's policies on borderline degree classifications. An example of such a system is provided below from the Faculty of Arts: For apprenticeship programmes, moderation will be in line with School policy, unless there are alternative requirements specific to the End-Point Assessment module. External Examiners will not be involved in the marking process as their role is to ensure that policies and regulations have been appropriately applied, that the assessment process is fair and robust and to ensure that standards applied are consistent with subject benchmark statements and other institutions. Sterling Professor of Law, Yale University. A number of pages within this category were previously affected by these arrangements and have been documented accordingly. For students registering on programmes from 2009/10 onwards, Schools should use only a weighted profiling system for determining the degree class of borderline students. This states that if a student performs particularly well in their final year but falls just short of the 70 per cent threshold because of poorer earlier performance, their degree classification should reflect the fact that they are "exiting" university at a first-class standard. University policy on legibility of work submitted for assessment have been accused I have been applied and. Regulation 26 ( b ) which applies to courses with a 50:50 weighting between Parts I II... Ii-2 and III Class threshold are defined on the following: Appointment and responsibilities of those involved in,. The world around them changes, and they will direct you to the former,! Markers in a School should be truncated and only the first assessment ( but seeRegulations 16 and 20 below are! 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university of nottingham borderline degree classification

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