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monsters inc 2 lost in scaradise script

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Mike: Hey, what's the matter? Randall: Eh, with this machine, we won't need scarers. The top door pops open and Sulley jumps out, followed by Mike. Sulley: (nervous) Uh, well uh er, uh Mike: No! It almost looks like you gotta--, (Mary lifts the hood of her costume. (Sulley opens the closet. Sulley: No, her door was white, and it had flowers on it. Especially you, James. Good morning! We're BANISHED, genius!! Now, before we do anything else, let'stake care of the child. ), (Boo screams and braces herself in fear. George: Boy, Wazowski looks like he's in trouble. I like it. What happens when the whistle blows in 5 minutes? This page has been accessed 27,812 times. They laugh. (A large vacuum-like machine lowers from the ceiling.). That was weird. What else could go wrong? Hot air balloon? (The camera pans to the billboard advertising Monsters, Inc.), (The Monsters Incorporated parking lot fills with cars as workers stream into the enormous building. (One of the pupils loses it, leaping into the lap of the monster next to him. Her hands (flippers) grab at her "lower region. It never would have gotten out, if you hadn't been cheating last night! We're closed. There's a human child! The curtain flies open. The third Trilogy of Forgotten Disney (Randall and Fungus coming running down the hall, crashing after Sulley and Mike. In the end however, Pixar was able to come to a agreement with Disney, and Circle 7 was shut down. (The CDA agents discuss the situation. Red alert! ), (Randall stops. I mean, I don't. Uh-oh. You! (The assistants run to their stations and stand at attention. Banished with your best friend. Sulley exits and checks his new scare totals on the jumbo-tron.). She doesn't like Mike to yell at Sulley.). (On the TV, a bored child watches as various monsters cycle past. (Sulley runs down the hallway, carrying both Boo and Mike.). Mike smiles and steps aside. ), (The kid howls with laughter. We light your city. Where did you come from? (Sulley pitches Randall through.) One points a child detector at Needleman and Smitty.). Sulley shrugs and shuts the door. Boo's head peeks out over the set. Sulley: (yelling up to Ted) Hey, Ted! Sulley lands with a thud. Mr. Bile, can you tell me what you did wrong? Sulley: Hey, that looks like Randall. ), (Randall is beginning to come, too. We're walking. Mike: I was on TV! I don't have to say it. But Sulley walks too far and falls over on the recliner he was standing on, making Mary giggle. One, two (The posing couple sees Boo pop up over the photographer's shoulder. Mike: (annoyed) Hey, Sulley, I am baring my soul here. Sulley reaches for the door-knob. (Mike and Sulley have a good chuckle about this and the screen flashes to Sulley talking to Boo, who can't sleep because of Randall.). Called himself "King Itchy". , (Crowd cheers as the piano music comes to a close). A hanging stereo speaker lands on his head. Uh-oh. Red alert! Celia: Last night was one of the worst nights of my entire life, bar-none! Another door comin' right up. That was worse than the last joke. I was up all night trying to find it! E (partially found original treatments of Pixar animated film; 1994-2008), Enchanted (lost deleted song from Disney live-action/animated fantasy comedy film; 2007), Fantasia (partially lost original audio of Disney animated film; 1940), Jack Wagner (partially lost Disney Park background music collection from American actor; 1970s-2001), Mars Needs Moms (found Seth Green vocal performance of Disney motion-capture animated film; 2011), The Nightmare Before Christmas (lost original Vincent Price audio of Disney stop-motion animated film; early 1990s), Pinocchio (lost Mel Blanc's "Gideon the Cat" dialogue from Disney animated film; 1940), Toy Story 2 (partially found Bullseye dialogue test footage from Pixar animated sequel film; late 1990s), 101 Dalmatians (found "Spotted Landmarks" teaser trailer of Disney live-action film; 1995-1996), Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (found deleted scenes from Disney live-action film; 1993), Sleeping Beauty (partially found live action reference material for Disney animated film; 1959), Something Wicked This Way Comes (lost original cut of Disney dark fantasy film; 1982), Walt Disney (lost physical Mickey Mouse animation reference footage of animator; late 1930s), Alice Comedies (partially lost series of Walt Disney animated short films; 1920s), Blowin' in the Wind (found Pixar animated short film; 1985), Lafflets (lost series of Walt Disney animated short films; 1922-1923), Language Arts Through Imagination (found series of Disney educational short films; 1988-1989), Mickey and Minnie Mouse (lost unauthorized pornographic animated short film; existence unconfirmed; 1936), Mickey's Man Friday (partially found production material of unproduced remake of Disney animated short film; 1939-1941), Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (partially lost series of Walt Disney animated short films; 1927-1928), Poor Papa (found "Oswald the Lucky Rabbit" Walt Disney animated short film; 1927), The Princess Academy (lost production material of cancelled Disney animated short film; 2009), Short Subject aka "Mickey Mouse in Vietnam" (found unofficial animated short film; 1968), Tales from Radiator Springs "To Protect and Serve" (lost episode of "Cars" animated miniseries; 2015), Totally Twisted Fairy Tales (partially found Disney animated short series; 1997), Uncle Walt (lost unauthorized Disney short film; 1964). Aaah! Sulley: (surveying the floor) No, no. ), (The bedroom light clicks off. Of course, without your help, I never would have known that this went all the way up to Waternoose. The lead article, "MONSTERS, INC. BACK ON TOP!" (Randall nods at Fungus, who presses buttons on the console.). (he storms toward Boo's door.) ), (Desperate, Sulley begins to dance with the bear; anything to get her to stop crying. He's had enough, the argument quickly shifts to one between Mike and Sulley. He surveys the fruit of his labors. Bring in reinforcements! Yeti: It's at the bottom of the mountain. Yeti: Oh, would you look at that? Mike: Roz, my tender, oozing blossom, you're looking fabulous today. Roz: None of this ever happened, gentlemen. Mr. Waternoose: Well done! Mike: (grunts) Oof! ), (Boo giggles wildly as Sulley deposits her in bed. Sulley checks the carts for Mike.). No! What is that thing? A huge metal door lowers into the station with a bang. They scream. ), (Sulley tiptoes down the dark passageway, carrying Boo. Because of you, I had to banish my top scarer! (chuckles) Wore it on his head like a tiara. Mike: Schmoopsie-Poo, I really can't talk. Fungus: There must be something wrong with the scream intake valve. Do you hear me? Fungus adjusts the machine. Is he hearing this?). Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. WE HAVE A 23-19!!!! Mike: Sulley, you're not supposed to name it. CDA Agents: Halt! Disney Confirms 2012 Release Date For Monsters, Inc. 2. Good. Monster Kid: Morning, Mike! The closet door creaks open. About how you enter the room! Boo is with him, now out of her disguise and wearing only one sock. It's over here! Celia: Oh, Michael! [Jack & Sulley grabs Riley & Boo] [Riley & Boo laughing] Bill: Looks like I was really hard on you, guys and your friends. Fungus: (suddenly entering the room) Randall! Mike: We're going! But seeing a cart of full left canisters, Mike gets an idea. (Jerry hits a human child emergency button. ), Sulley: Ah, yes! Mike: Keep coming, keep coming, keep coming. The reality of the situation is that Boo can't see Sulley, she doesn't believe in monsters anymore. This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 21:49. Okay, send me a postcard, kid. ), (Sulley jumps onto another track of doors below. using a blend of tiger, bear, and human. Could be contaminated. Mike leans back. Mike: Oh, and, uh, thanks for hooking me up with those reservations. Well, that is just-- (beat) Wait a minute, the sun is coming up. Mike: I wasn't scared, I have allergies. Ruined my life, and for what? Rock music pounds as the door opens and Claws scrambles out of the room, sobbing pathetically.). The first stall door in the row suddenly slams open. ), (Mike is still wedged inside the garbage can.). Sulley: (While sliding across) WHOOOAAAA!!!! Back at the Human World, the newspaper truck comes to a halt and opens its door. Mike: Look, it's not that I don't care about the kid. If we send her back, it's like it never happened. Mike: Hey, less talk, more pain, marshmallow boy! Sulley jumps onto a faster moving door on an adjacent track. CDA Agent: Building clear. Those numbers are pretty sweet. You've got Boo's door? Just leave her alone! ), (Randall straps Boo into the scream extractor chair. Randall: Gimme that kid! , Mike and Sulley: (v.o.) (Timing is just right, Sulley leaps out onto a passing door. And I don't want to see any paperwork on this. Take my buddy, Bigfoot. Randall emerges from the door, confused. I love scaring kids in bed! ), (Doors are stacked in rows above and below them, like a wall. (Several monsters gasp. are heard emerging from the set. Sulley: Oh, just doing my job, Mr. Waternoose. (He rushes in as the water in the giant toilet swirls around. Contents 1 Plot 2 Cast 2.1 Additional Voices 3 Development 4 Box office 5 Critical reception 6 Music 7 Awards and nominations 8 Allusions 9 Alternative versions 10 Prequel 11 Release Sulley! Mike: Okay, let's move. He turns around to find Mary in his bed.) CDA Agent #1: The one from the commercial. (Sulley pulls Mike into an adjacent hallway.). I'm sorry you boys got mixed up in this. Randall rushes off to his cart as monsters return from lunch. Mike: Who cares? Dodgeball was the best. Sulley scoops up Boo and her door and heads for the Simulation Room.). He lets this information sink in.). Sulley: Yeah, I got, uh, Smelly Garbage, or Old Dumpster. ), Waiters: ! Mike: Sull, that's a cube of garbage. ), (Sulley spots a little purple figure riding a door off in the distance. ), (CHOP! (stops mocking) What a creep. Mike follows. ), (Mike huddles around the lantern for warmth because he's cold from being out in the snow for so long. His buddy looks pretty sad.). (gasps) 23-19!! Randall: Huh? If-if-if you wanna go out there and freeze to death, you be my guest. For those who are new and are wondering about why this was necessary, read the shift in editing starting March 1st blog. When the class reaches the Scare Floor, Scarer Frank McCay tells them that he learned how to scare from Monsters University. Sulley: Hey, morning, kids. Was that draft written before or after the version where Buzz is recalled and they do a variation on Toy Story 2 swapping Woody with Buzz? Amplified stomach gurgles are heard while he waits. It's active. Too Greek! She was only six! ), (Invisible Randall chokes Sulley, who gasps for air.). All right, come with us, sir. Mike: Look, Sulley, you wanted her door, and there it is. Come on, hey! ), (Sulley pulls the door open and sees only more snow. Both know it's true. You're safe now. (A scream comes from another door. The unproduced film's storyline followed Mike and Sulley from the first Monsters, Inc. film as they drop in to surprise their friend Boo for. (Sulley tries in vain to catch Boo's eye. Sulley: Guys, I told you, call me Sulley. You know that kid that they're looking for? (Later in the living room, Sulley hangs upside-down from a beam, doing some "gravity" sit-ups.). The door! Randall: (laughs) What do you know? (Mike and Sulley run though the room and exit. Take care of yourself and be a good girl, okay? Mike: Shh Schmoopsie Heh heh Shh, shh, shh. (Panicking, Mike grabs Celia and kisses her to keep her quiet, but this only makes Celia slap him. A band-aid covers the area "contaminated" by the sock. He turns around to see his tail being dropped by a human girl named Mary [we'll interchange Mary and Boo throughout this page]. One of his particular fears happens to be hairy monsters with fangs. (Ahead, a switched reroutes the doors onto multiple tracks, Boo's door on one, their door on another. Boo pops her head out of the take-away box and sticks out her tongue at Sulley. (Mike and Sulley scramble into their chairs to watch the commercial). (Celia leaps in and squeezes Mike's cheek.). Smitty: (calling after) Go get 'em, Mr. Soloman! Waternoose spins around to see Sulley, who has knocked over a stack of cans during his escape. They find Simon in the laugh canister storage room. (Across the room, Waxford turns and looks around revealing many shifty eyes. (The room is lit by candlelight. I mean, how 'bout all this fabulous snow, huh? You have until then to put the kid back. Can anyone tell me Mr. Bile's big mistake? Aah! (Sulley finds Boo, hiding in the shadows, crying. ), (A sign on the wall reading "DAYS SINCE LAST ACCIDENT" flips from 47 to 0.). ), (Randall appears atop of the door, holding Boo in his many arms. Mike sees Randall approaching from the Hawaiian door. There's no "we" this time, pal. Simulation terminated. His nerdy assistant Fungus alternates the patterns, until he stops at a painting of a man wearing a hat with a feather on it. (CRASH! He scans for Boo, then takes off towards the entrance.). Waternoose: (re: Mike and Boo) Don't let them get away! Oh, no! We could be next! I know! Needleman: YOU IDIOT! And the fact that laughter is ten times more powerful than scream had nothing to do with it. Where? (A monster photographer is about to take a picture of a happy monster couple.). Uh-oh. In the background of the photo, blurred but unmistakable, is Mike! ), Hollywood-Maxwell Brassiere Co. of Los Angeles, Top 5 Lost Universal Studios Flordia Attractions, Storage Man, Woman in the Elevator and Support Group. So wait here, while I get its card key. Help!!!! Look, it loves it here! (putting it together) That cheater! Come on, it's time to move. Randall: Cheating?! Needleman: You're messing up the scene! Randall: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. Where's Wazowski?! The kid's awake! Was I scary? In seconds, Mike deftly fills can after can with scream. ), Sulley: (v.o.) (Mike is still explaining the situation to Waternoose.). Mike: Again? Go fetch. Sulley let her in! CDA agent #5: Coming through. Mike: I'm on the cover of a magazine! Sulley barely dares to breathe. (as Sulley runs past) Sulley? I always wanted a pet THAT COULD KILL ME!!! (The recruits sit in their usual chairs, taking notes. Hey, can I borrow your odorant? (Screen flashes to Mike and Sulley taking behind a menu). Here we are. Make way. Where is it, you little one-eyed crettin?! ), (The same image of the restaurant becomes part of a news report, with the word, "KID-TASTROPHE!" George: (resolved) You know, you're right. Which means the scare floor will be Randall: (losing it) Empty! Simon enters the room and Rodney explains to him how they just left using the closet door. Feel the burn! Splish! (Seeing her kitty in danger, Boo's face changes from fear to anger. She immediately runs towards Sulley on the stage.). ), (It lands on an agent in the middle of the pack! Mike, Sulley and Boo hang onto the door as it moves. Sulley: Mike, what are you thinking? Randall: Say hello to the scream extractor. Mike: Yes, well, uh, I'll try to be less careless. ), (She's pointing to the closet, mumbling.). ), Sulley: (v.o.) Mike and Sulley: (v.o.) You know, only somebody with perfect comedic timing could produce this much energy in one shot. Mike: That is the weirdest thing you have ever said. ), (Nothing from Boo, who is not in the mood to laugh now.). Mike: (calling back) I love you, Schmoopsie-Poo! (Nothing but crickets. First of all, it's cretin. Stunned, her face begins to redden, and her eyes well up with tears. Sulley: Hey, Mike, this might sound crazy, but I don't think that kid's dangerous. You're making him lose his focus. Great. Sulley looks down to his clip board where the sliver of Boo's door is taped. A horn sounds, and each scarer rushes up to their door. Mike: WHAT?! Boo and Sulley hug. The script-writing program changed through the years, and we . He heads towards Sulley. It makes Celia delay their wedding three times already and she's furious. Sulley slides out of the room, covered in toys and junk from Boo's room. On the back of the console, he sees the cords wiggling. Sulley runs to Boo's door, ready to toss Boo back in. Outside, helicopters scan the area. (Mike closes the door on his face, squishing it and making a goofy face. The scarers stride onto the Scare Floor in slow motion. (Mike screams. It was released on Disney+ in July 2021 . (Randall performs a series of martial art moves.). I had it a while ago. Mike, Sulley and Ted cross.). Mike Wazowski! Inside the Magic's Report About Monsters at Work. Sulley has become a gruesome, terrible monster. Let me just go outside and make some more. Coming through! Mike and Sulley chase them up to the maintenance platform and quickly realize that they are too far away. Sulley peers out from under the desk. Mike: Hey! All we have to do is call her door down and send her home. Roz: Ta-da! Mike: (exiting) I'll be right back with its door key. The others tell Sulley to just let him leave, but Sulley knows better, if he lets Simon go, he still knows how to come back and others will come too. This has gone too far.). In early 2006, it was decided that Disney would be better off owning Pixar altogether rather than just the franchises. (Boo tugs on Mike's arm, and points at the invisible Randall. ), (Mike gasps. She's gone! Mike: YOU'RE STILL NOT LISTENING!?!?! He knows exactly who Mike Wazowski and Kitty are. (to other CDA) Attention! ), (A dilapidated trailer sits swamp-side. The latest movie and television news, reviews, trailers and opinions. Put that thing back where it came from, or I'll poke myself in the eye! And once they get high enough, they are sucked into the jet stream of stratospheric energy and are hurled through clouds, rain and electromagnetic flares of light, before eventually bursting out of the clouds and finding themselves floating above a beautiful tropical island. From outside, the apartment lights pulse brightly, creating a beacon for the helicopters. You can't make me! Something has been inserted in you that makes you look like Mike: (sighs) Listen, I need a favor. I am never never gonna see her again. Sulley: (relieved) Boo! Sparky: Whoa! Second of all, you're nuts if you think kidnapping me is gonna help you cheat your way to the top! ), (Waternoose turns to Randall, who has managed to escape. Waternoose: (stammers) B-butH-How'd you--?! Sulley tries once again to get her attention, but nothing happens. Mike hangs precariously over the vault, thousands of feet in the air.). Needleman: We just wanted to wish you good luck today. Judging by her tone, she's been through this before.). Cast Sophie "Sofia" Balthazar James P. Sullivan Mike Wazowski Mary "Boo" Gibbs Randall Boggs Jeff Fungus Henry J. Waternoose Harold You can't just-, (As George staggers to his feet, Charlie spots a sock stuck to his chest. Interviewee #2: It's true! CDA Agent #2: We have an 7835 in progress. Jack: Coming. Let's see. (signing quickly) "From your scary friend Best wishes", (The geeks stop in front of a trash chute. (Sulley drops to the ground and lies motionless, then jogs again.). (Ms. Flint rewinds the tape, then plays it. But I'm not gonna scare you. Randall: Get off my tail! Hey. Mike rockets towards the doors and grabs Celia before the can runs out of energy, sending the nearly weds plummeting hundreds of feet as Simon escapes. Mike: No, I'm not attacking you. Waternoose lunges after Sulley like a wild animal. Randall opens the door he's riding on and slithers into the room. (runs off), (The monsters work fast and furious. None of it matters? First time in a month. taped to the clipboard backing is the now tattered picture Boo drew of herself and Sulley. ), (Sulley smiles down at Boo. And maybe it's just me, but I'm seeing shades of Toy Story of Terror in that plot synopsis. She's seen too much. A siren blares. ), Sulley: See? AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!! A microphone is thrust in his face.). Mike: No! (Sulley jumps up, runs across the cave, and grabs the Yeti.). (Waternoose closes in on Sulley, rising up on his legs intimidatingly.). Mike: (v.o.) Don't! He is a comic book store owner who still believe that monsters are real. The movie would have been about Mike and Sulley visiting the human world to give Boo a birthday present. Is this one yours? Sulley tries to mime his words. Scary monsters don't have plaque! Lost Media Wiki's page for the Circle 7 sequels. Sulley! Sulley tries to calm her.). A Toy story whodunnit couldve been interesting. Now. Come on. (Randall exits. Boo waves goodbye, taunting.). Sulley: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, don't be scared. Let's watch my favorite part again, shall we? They try another kid and another, but for some reason, none of the closet doors are working. Coming through here! Simulation terminated. As the last two enter, they make room for). Suddenly, from the utility hallway, he hears a noise. We power your car. After getting trapped in the human world, Mike and Sulley split up after disagreeing on what to do. Sulley: That's right, Boo. With the top scarers (On the screen, Sulley stands next to a door standing on a factory work floor, known as the Scare Floor. Mr. Waternoose: Good. Boo spills out of his arms. Sulley, Mike and Boo burst from the tool panel doorway and run down the hall. This is the men's room. Oh-oh Whoa-a! Nothing is more important than our friendship. (As they walk off, a CDA agent scans the area with a child detector. (coyly) Michael, you're such a charmer. Give it a rest, will you, butterball? Mike: You know, pal, she's the one. Fun filled evening planned for tonight? Mike manages to grab onto Sulley's tail.). Mike: (pretending to act stubborn) I'll never talk. Randall's assistant Fungus scratches his head.). Mike: Come on. (Sulley grabs a menu and whips it in front of his and Mike's faces.). Mike: I'm telling you, pal, when that wall went up, you should've seen the look on Waternoose's face. Besides, Sullivan got what he deserved. Sulley thought she left town after a fight they had. ), (Randall uncamoflages in front of the door, and opens it. (Celia's eye widens, then narrows in determination. Meanwhile, Celia, her family and Mike's family wonder why he's running late to their pre-wedding lunch. (Screen flashes to the dark and empty Scare Floor), (Mike starts running into the scare floor), (Mike closes his eye, not daring to hope. Mike: No, don't touch those, you little--! ), (Chaos ensues. (SMACK! Ple- stop, stop, stop. (Later in the bathroom, Sulley brushes his teeth, while Mike stands on his arm.). Disney Circle Seven Animation (partially lost production material of cancelled Pixar sequels; 2004-2006) This page was last edited on 22 December 2021, at 01:00. The Circle 7 scripts for Toy Story 3 and Finding Nemo 2 were kinda bad but this sounded like it would have been a fantastic follow up and much better than MU. Directed by Brian Fee and screenplay by Pete Docter and Lee Unkrich. Another scream, this one louder than the first. The class meets Frank McCay, an employee of . There is nothing Sulley can say. Smitty: (calling after) Go get 'em, Mr. Sullivan! , Mike and Sulley: (v.o.) What about us?! (She giggles in her stall, enjoying the game. It ain't easy being banished. ), (Celia kisses Mike on his mouth, and he feels loved by that. You know, like on the street, with the honk-honk, and the vroom-vroom, and no walking involved? Boo cowers at the back of the room, afraid. Mike smiles in recognition. Mr. Waternoose: Aaah! Okay, I think I know how to make this all go away. CDA Agent #1: Please remain calm. The portal to the monster world is closed. (As Mike was amazed to see himself on TV, the phone rings, and Mike grabs the receiver.). Whoa, whoa, whoa. Randall steps on Sulley's other hand. I didn't mean for this to happen. One year after the events of the first film, on Boo's birthday, Sulley and Mike go to her house to wish her a happy birthday, however, when they get there, they find an old lady asleep in her bed. A world based on Monsters Inc appeared in Kingdom Hearts 3. Mary tries to catch it, but rolls out of the shot and laughs off-screen. Claws' assistant: She wasn't scared of you? Let's go, everybody. Sulley: Uh-huh. Randall enters, wheeling a cart of scream cans towards the door. More details are available in the progress report. Using his tail as a whip, Randall sends Sulley flying out into the hallway. I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have , Mike: (v.o.) A monster reading a newspaper sneezes, and fires shoots from his mouth and nose, incinerating his newspaper. Mike grabs the stool and heads for the closet door.). Sulley: (sobbing) I can still hear her little voice. Look! His glaring eyes and snarling teeth are genuinely horrifying. The door turns, suddenly going into a ninety degree drop.). Sulley: OOOOOO!! . Sulley: Okay, how 'bout I sit here until you fall asleep? (hisses). ), (The floor is dark and empty as Sulley walks to Mike's desk.). Seriously. (Charlie, the assistant at the next station, turns to Mike.). Roz: (sternly) Hello, Wazowski. We warm your home. Giant slingshot? I left them on my desk! Sulley: (stopping) Randall? ), (Yellow-suited figures known as the CDA rappel through the windows from the ceiling overhead. Mike: I have no idea. (Sulley gives his fans a high five as Mr. Waternoose approaches.). Huh? Suddenly, Sulley is knocked back into the room, as if punched by nothing. Suddenly, he spies a tentacle, emerging from the closet. Ow! Monsieur D'Arque And Tom, Dick, and Stanley, Phineas and Ferb Film (Feat.TheKingOfSING), Big Fat Ugly Bug-Faced Baby Eating-O'Brien, The Magic of Disney Animation (feat. Charlie: (to Mike) George and I are like brothers. Defeated, he looks out over the horizon as the sun sets. Hold him down! Roz: (sternly) Wazowski! I'm a nice guy. Sulley: But she can't stay here. ), (Mike enters the room and jumps on the bed. Mike: And what about me? In a moment all the apartment windows are glowing brightly. (beat) Does anyone else know about this? Her hood flops open, revealing her scared face.). ), (As Mike explains, he sees the bag tossed aside, revealing Mary.). (A little day care kid steps up to Mike. ), (Sulley races down the mountainside on his makeshift sled. No, no, no, no, no. Tiny Monster Wife: Have a good day, sweetie. (Mr. Waternoose and Sulley both chuckle. Sulley: Mike, think about it. Celia: (calling) Michael!!!! (She blinks sleepily. Do I look abominable to you? ), Mike and Sulley: (v.o.) Sulley tickles her chin. , Mike: Running 'round the restaurant, this is really wild! Mike: Hey, genius, you wanna know why I bought the car? Panicked, Sulley opens and slams the door, but nothing changes.). Children's screams are heard everywhere, filling the cans. Sulley: (yelling up to Rex from "Toy Story") Hey, Ted! Once you name it, you start getting attached to it! Yes! Then the screen flashes to George Sanderson being surrounded by the CDA. Celia: (o.s., over paging system) All scare floors are now active. Sulley and I made the cover, right? Mike: Help! Why am I the last to know? Cautiously, he opens the door. (he spots the eye stalk.) ), (Yellow-suited figures known as the CDA rappel through the windows from the ceiling overhead. Ms. Flint: No, no, before that. We're just two regular Joes on our way to work. Did you see me? Randall: I'm about to revolutionize the scaring industry. Bom, bom, bom, bom . the doors surrounding them activate too. The cave grows dark. But Sulley's smile fades. Yeti: Oh, no, no, no. Mike: Not bad, huh? Sulley, a mop, a couple of lights, and some chair fabric are not gonna fool anyone. It's a work in progress, it's gonna get better. Sulley: Look, don't panic. Come on. Okay, on three. Sulley slowly lifted his head. Give her the!!!!

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monsters inc 2 lost in scaradise script

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