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karate framework for ui automation

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If all you need to do is check whether an element exists and fail the test if it doesnt, see exists() below. The wildcard locators are great when the human-facing visible text is within the HTML element that you want to interact with. Empty cells or expressions that evaluate to null will result in the key being omitted from the JSON. karatelabs /karatePublic Notifications Fork 1.7k Star 6.8k Test Automation Made Simple karatelabs.github.io/karate License MIT license 6.8kstars 1.7kforks Star Notifications Code Issues26 Pull requests0 Actions Projects1 Wiki Security Insights More Code Issues Pull requests Actions Projects Wiki Security Insights karatelabs/karate Do look at the documentation and example for configure headers also as it goes hand-in-hand with call. Because of how easy it is to set HTTP headers, Karate does not provide any special keywords for things like the Accept header. 1 [karate]: Karate UI Automation: Unable to launch the browser. Karate. Also see first.feature and second.feature in the demos. So you can do things like right-click and run a *.feature file (or scenario) without needing to use a JUnit runner. The example below shows the difference between embedded expressions and enclosed JavaScript: So how would you choose between the two approaches to create JSON ? Only supported for type: 'chrome' - this will wait for a JS promise to resolve and then return the result as a JSON object. Observe how using JSON for parameter-passing makes things super-readable. Billie And this call is using shared scope. Conditional logic is not recommended especially within test scripts because tests should be deterministic. Here is the above example re-written to do so: The result of karate.setup() will be a JSON of all the variables created within the Scenario tagged with @setup. A set of real-life examples can be found here: Karate Demos. In rare cases you may want to use a csv-file as-is and not auto-convert it to JSON. { Just re-fresh your browser window if you re-run the test. Separate Scenario-s that can run in parallel are encouraged. This is sometimes needed to slow down keystrokes, especially when there is a lot of JavaScript or security-validation behind the scenes. Karate Framework for web automation. jbang is a great way for you to install and execute scripts that use Karates Java API on any machine with minimal setup. All-in-one framework that includes parallel-execution, HTML reports, environment-switching, and CI integration. Here is one suggested pattern you can adopt. But you can easily achieve any complex logic by using the JS API. You can even use a regular-expression so that instead of checking for equality, Karate will just validate that the actual value conforms to the expected pattern. When you use CSS and XPath, you need to understand the internal CSS class-names and XPath structure of the page. all the key-value pairs are added to the HTTP headers. Use this for building multipart named (form) field requests. Here is the same example using this approach, where a couple of images need to be saved as part of the test-script: A video of the above execution can be viewed here. Instead, Karate gives you all you need as part of the syntax. Note that even the scenario name can accept placeholders - which is very useful in reports. In the rare case that you need to mutate a Map or List returned from Java but while still within a JS block, use karate.toJson() to convert. a named JsonPath or XPath expression - e.g. Keep in mind that the reason this exists is to cache data, and not behavior. For manipulating or updating JSON (or XML) using path expressions, refer to the set keyword. Comprehensive support for different flavors of HTTP calls: You can easily choose features and tags to run and compose test-suites in a very flexible manner. The function is expected to return a JSON object and all keys and values in that JSON object will be made available as script variables. You usually wont need this, but the second-last line above shows how the karate object can be used to evaluate JsonPath if the filter expression depends on a variable. Also Karate will call the executable with three arguments in this order: So this is how you can communicate your cross-browser config from your Karate test to the executable. For example: As seen above, you dont have to force all your steps to use the Given, When, Then BDD convention, and you can just use * instead. Step 3: Create a feature file and write a Scenario. Name the file as javadsl.java and run using the command: jbang javadsl.java. bar: 'world' But some troublesome parts of your flow will require re-tries, and this is where the retry() API comes in. For another example, see: examples.feature. Step 2: Add Cucumber plugin in Eclipse > Restart eclipse. To visually highlight an element in the browser, especially useful when working in the debugger. The BDD syntax popularized by Cucumber is language-neutral, and easy for even non-programmers. Scope of this variable is only on scenario in which it is defined. Karate provides a far more simpler and more powerful way than JSON-schema to validate the structure of a given payload. And then you have two options. karate.appendTo(keys, x); Here is an example of what is possible: Not something you would commonly use, but in some cases you need to disable Karates default behavior of attempting to parse anything that looks like JSON (or XML) when using multi-line / string expressions. To run a script *.feature file from your Java IDE, you just need the following empty test-class in the same package. Most of the time, you just want to wait until a certain number of matching elements, and then move on with your flow, and in that case, the above is sufficient. multipart file uploads can be tricky, and hard to get right. Karate is a great fit for testing GraphQL because of how easy it is to deal with dynamic and deeply nested JSON responses. Karate is even able to ignore fields you choose - which is very useful when you want to handle server-side dynamically generated fields such as UUID-s, time-stamps, security-tokens and the like. But one pattern that you should be aware of is that JSON is actually a great data-structure for looking up data. As a convenience you can use the Chrome concrete implementation of a Driver directly, designed for common needs such as converting HTML to PDF - or taking a screenshot of a page. You can find a lot more references, tutorials and blog-posts in the wiki. Observe the usage of Scenario Outline: instead of Scenario:, and the new Examples: section. Wait for the browser JS expression to evaluate to true. leagueName: '##string', But since you can express a list of data-elements as a JSON array - even these XPath expressions can be used in match statements. Technology Partner Very handy for waiting for an expected URL change and asserting if it happened. { A few points to note: Note that only variables and configuration settings will be passed. var foo = function(v){ return v * v }; The JavaScript interpreter will try to convert types across Java and JavaScript as smartly as possible. Karate has a built-in implementation for Docker (DockerTarget) that supports 2 existing Docker images out of the box: To use either of the above, you do this in a Karate test: Or for more flexibility, you could do this in karate-config.js and perform conditional logic based on karate.env. Here is how the example above looks like: Validation can be performed if needed on the response to this HTTP POST which may be HTML, and the karate.extract() API may come in useful. input: For performance reasons, you can implement enableForUri() so that this activates only for some URL patterns. Note how karate.set() and karate.remove() below are used directly as a script statement. This applies to JS functions as well: These heavily commented demo examples can help you understand shared scope better, and are designed to get you started with creating re-usable sign-in or authentication flows: Once you get comfortable with Karate, you can consider moving your authentication flow into a global one-time flow using karate.callSingle(), think of it as callonce on steroids. Refer to conditional logic for more ideas. Just like script(), but will perform the script eval() on all matching elements (not just the first) - and return the results as a JSON array / list. ] This is very useful to boil-down those common steps that you may have to perform at the start of multiple test-scripts - into one-liners. Although all properties in the passed JSON-like argument are unpacked into the current scope as separate named variables, it sometimes makes sense to access the whole argument and this can be done via __arg. { Karate Framework is an open-source Behavior Driven Development (BDD) testing framework for API test automation, performance testing, and UI testing. If you are behind a corporate proxy, or especially if your local Maven installation has been configured to point to a repository within your local network, the command below may not work. This is the recommended, browser-agnostic approach that uses Karates core-competency as an HTTP API client i.e. See this for an example. After run TestRunner class, we can see Junit console report. The above example actually makes two HTTP requests - the first is a standard sign-in POST and then (for illustrative purposes) another HTTP call (a GET) is made for retrieving a list of projects for the signed-in user, and the first one is selected and added to the returned auth token JSON object. : * param myparam = 'value' or url: * url 'http://example.com/v1?myparam'. Things are designed so that you can plug-in what you need, without needing to compile Java code. Match failure messages are much more descriptive and useful, and you get the power of embedded expressions and fuzzy matching. The function has to return a JSON object. Refer to this for the complete example: schema-like.feature. You can always use a JavaScript function or call Java for more complex logic. Other UI automation frameworks spend a lot of time encouraging you to follow a so-called Page Object Model for your tests. Here is an example: testCompile 'com.intuit.karate:karate-junit5:1.3.1', systemProperty "karate.options", System.properties.getProperty("karate.options"), systemProperty "karate.env", System.properties.getProperty("karate.env"), "ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter", // don't waste time waiting for a connection or if servers don't respond within 5 seconds, # steps here are executed before each Scenario in this file, # variables defined here will be 'global' to all scenarios, # and will be re-initialized before every scenario, # assigning a number (you can use '*' instead of Given / When / Then). } Multiple feature files (or paths) can be specified, de-limited by the space character. return sdf.parse(s).time; // '.getTime()' would also have worked instead of '.time' Here is a real-life example combined with the use of retry(): If you have more than two locators you need to wait for, use the single-argument-as-array form, like this: Returns an Element (instead of exists() which returns a boolean). As a convenience, there is a second form where you can pass an array as the second argument: And an extra convenience third argument is a time-delay (in milliseconds) that will be applied before each array value. For e.g. Soumendra Daas has created a nice example and guide that you can use as a reference here: hello-karate. So you could have also done something like: Also refer to the configure keyword on how to switch on pretty-printing of all HTTP requests and responses. Below are the capabilities of Karate UI. When multipart content is involved, the Content-Type header of the HTTP request defaults to multipart/form-data. This is very close to how custom keywords work in other frameworks. And Karate gives you control over these aspects with the small set of keywords focused on HTTP such as url, path, param, etc. Heres how it works: Here is a contrived example that uses match each, contains and the #? Allowed keystore types are as described in the, if all server certificates should be considered trusted. Of course, resorting to a sleep in a UI test is considered a very bad-practice and you should always use retry() instead. var SimpleDateFormat = Java.type('java.text.SimpleDateFormat'); object.name. If you want, you could even create nested chunks of JSON that name-space your config variables. Simple, clean syntax that is well suited for people new to programming or test-automation. b This is so that you can mix expressions into text replacements as shown below. The usage of karate.write() here is just an example, you can use JS or Java interop as needed. Note that the duration is in milliseconds. = . There are 2 variants, one that takes an integer as the param, in which case the frame is selected based on the order of appearance in the page: Or you use a locator that points to the